Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Introducing: TEN FE

So much has happened since I last updated my blog… kind of like last time!  Ha-ha.  But seriously, life changing decisions and commitments have been made in the past few weeks.  I am so excited to be on this roller coaster that my life has become… one that finally has direction, yet twists and turns through the obstacles and challenges that await after every turn.

My last update was mainly about our orphans, and how their numbers are slowly but surely increasing.  I asked you for help.  Julie asked her friends for help.  The response was astonishing.  We had immediate donations, offers to adopt, and long term monetary promises.  All this meant to us was:  the help is there… we just need to find it all.  With the new inspiration from all of our motivated friends, we decided to make a full time commitment to help as many under privileged children in Santiago go to school and have a place to call home.  This is when TEN FE came in to existence.  In English, it stands for The Endeavor for New Futures through Education.  In Spanish, TEN FE means ‘Have Faith’.  It is officially a non-profit organization in the state of Ohio, which means shortly it will be fully tax deductable for our contributors.  Our long term goals include building a community center in Santiago, for as of now, many have no place to call home, and live with the uncertainty of not knowing where their next meal will come from. 

I am so excited to be embarking on this adventure.  I know it will be one of the biggest challenges I have faced, but one well worth it.  I know it won’t always be pretty, but I promise to always move up hill.  I am so excited to be doing this with Julie… no one better to get things up and running back home.  If she gets me what I need, I can make sure the children have what they need. 

This decision affects other decisions I have made.  Mainly, the length of my stay here in Guatemala now is up in the air.  I can’t begin to build this dream, and then walk away from it.  I will only leave if or when it can thrive without me.  That will be true success. 

Thank you for all of your support from back home.  I miss you all dearly… every day.  I will be coming home at the end of June… briefly… and hopefully again in November.  I am still loving my decision, and still living with no regrets.  Until next time…

1 comment:

  1. I'm eager to hear more about your work. I'm currently in Panajachel with Mayan Families.
