Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Settling In...

            So much time has passed since I arrived in Guatemala, that I don’t even know where to start.  My life has literally been a roller coaster ever since I decided to come.  And I must confess that I almost called the whole thing off about a week before I left Ohio.  But thank God I had the support behind me, pushing me to do what I had wanted to for so long.  Though driving away was the hardest thing I have EVER done, it was also the best move I’ve made in a very long time. 
            I could entertain you and vent about my actual trip down here, and how many things continually went wrong (like finding out I could only check one bag as I sit in my hotel room in Miami by myself with four).  But now, it all seems so distant.  Even the very interesting trip to pick up my car at the port has been moved to the back of my mind… though INTERESTING is an understatement for that trip!  I must admit that I teared up when I finally saw my car, and felt the familiarity… the smell of home. 
            It has definitely been scary at times… learning to drive, starting my new job, etc.  But so rewarding.  I now feel very comfortable here, and find my way around more and more.  I couldn’t ask for a better job.  Though I was thrust into it without any plans, and free reign over what I wanted to teach two entire grade levels… It has been the best job I’ve ever had, and I finally know that education is my field FOREVER.  I’ve grown to love my students already, and genuinely CARE about being the best I can be for them.  Every morning, I am greeted by hugs and “hola’s!” from all of my little third and fourth graders, and I feel like I belong right then and there, in that moment.  In class, it comes naturally to me, and I cherish every moment.  My favorite thing to do is sitting back and watch them learn by themselves, figuring out things on their own.  They truly are so smart.  My goal for the year is to let them teach themselves… I will guide them, but watch in amazement. 
            Valle Verde has also provided me with great friends that I already know I will have forever.  It is so fun to be around a group of people who love to teach and work hard, yet have such fun personalities that I can’t get enough of.  I truly do have the best job in the world. 
            However, more so than work, two little boys have completely changed my life.  Wilver and Irineo… my two little Santiago orphans.  For those who don’t know, a dear friend and I found them on my first trip to Guatemala, and since have found out about their painful past.  After the death of both parents, the boys spent three years alone on the streets, shinning shoes and living off of less than $1 a day at times.  We are now supporting them, helping them go to school, which is their only fighting chance to escape their situation.  I go to visit them as often as I can.  They have been scarred in so many ways that gaining their trust has become quite the task… or challenge.  But one I have dedicated myself to.  Last weekend I brought them to the city for the first time in their lives.  They marveled at escalators in the mall…   Finally they have started opening up to me… letting me in.  After spending the entire day with my family here in the city, all they could talk about is when they could return.  I hope this keeps them trying… keeps hope alive, in a sense.  They started school last week, in 2nd and 3rd grade.  I will keep you all posted, and I pray this story has a happy outcome. 
            I have no regrets.  Although I miss everyone I left behind EVERYDAY, I keep myself from losing sight of why I came.  My life is changing in ways I could never regret.  Love Guatemala… even after being here for a month and a half. 
            Sorry it took me so long to fill you in.  Will keep up with it more often now that work and life have started settling down.  Love to those back home.  


  1. So glad that you're settling in and enjoying your experience! I'm looking forward to your updates.

  2. this is so wonderful. i am so happy for you!
